Studio Callies LLC is an architecture studio, art and design consultant, historic preservation consultant, and builder workshop from Brookings, South Dakota.
As a long time fan of fashion and furniture of the 1960s and 1970s, we can appropriately meet any level of vintage interest.
We can help you navigate a specific style between using vintage items and new goods that resemble classic styles. The heirloom quality of vintage goods makes them so wonderful.
Studio Callies is also recognized for strategic color designs. Our work and living environments impact our health and wellbeing. Gray is boring; be bold! Whether your house is in original condition or has been tinkered with, SC can help realize thoughtful design in your house, office space, commercial and retail space, and more. Your everyday environment can also be your happy place. Remember that colors are an antidepressant; extremely helpful for Midwestern’s living through nine months of winter.
As our work-life balance is sometimes a blurred line, so does our physical space to our digital space. Maintaining organization and holistic design from your digital space to physical space can nourish your sense of self, helping you to be your best self.
If there is a unique design needed, our builder workshop can tackle it. We create objects and furniture for architectural projects, custom van interiors, and sometimes just for fun! Joyful building fuels our constant desire to work with our hands, binding our work to our physical reality.